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Research & Innovation Work Groups 2022/23

Each year in addition to the Work Groups addressing the national priorities the South Yorkshire Maths Hub run Research and Innovation Work Groups to address the regions local priorities.

Read more below about which Research and Innovation Work Groups we are running this year and to sign up!

Please note. These Work Groups are to be confirmed dependant on participant sign ups.

Subject leadership (Primary)

This RIWG will consider the key skills, knowledge and behaviours required by primary subject leaders to effectively lead and embed school-wide developments in mathematics.

It will consider ways in which Maths Hubs can further support those who are new to the role or are in schools facing significant challenges in sustaining teaching for mastery approaches.

Teaching for Mastery in the context of special schools

This project aims to explore the NCETM’s principles of teaching for mastery and provide a professional space for teachers in special schools to consider how these principles support and relate to their everyday practice. This can include supporting conversations with Mastery Specialists, reviewing pedagogical approaches, adapting provision, and reflecting on the impact of these adaptations.


It is expected that participants in this Work Group will be able to articulate how teaching for mastery principles are implemented and how to overcome some of the students’ barriers for learning. It is anticipated these will be shared more widely to inform other projects. 

Understanding the characteristics of SEND 

This project is aimed mainly at mainstream teachers and is designed to support them in addressing the needs of all children.


By focusing on a particular child that they teach, the participants will have the opportunity to engage with other teachers and experts to learn about effective approaches that ensure barriers to mathematical understanding are overcome.

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