Secondary Embedding and Sustaining Programme
After year one of The Secondary Teaching for Mastery Programme schools will then move onto the first year of the Embedding and Sustaining Programme, this is the Embedding Year Support programme. This programme is available for those departments who have already participated in a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group and are working to embed their work on teaching for mastery.
This is a bespoke programme of support aimed at working with Advocates to draw up a coherent and long-term departmental action plan targeted on the needs of students and teachers and to work together in enacting the plan.
The Mastery Advocates (designated previously in the Development Work Group) will work closely with their assigned Mastery Specialist to help them embed teaching for mastery approaches across the whole department. The focus will be on constructing or refining a coherent development plan and supporting and leading the whole department in realising the aims of that development plan. The school will also be part of a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding and Sustaining Work Group with other schools.
Schools will then move onto year 3 of the Embedding and Sustaining Programme.
Each department, supported by their Mastery Advocates, will work on their action plan and develop collaborative ways of working which support their CPD. All Work Group participants will also benefit from the expertise and experiences of the group of departments represented.
Mastery Advocates will meet regularly throughout the year and the content of the various departments’ development plans will be the stimulus for how joint work will be devised and undertaken.
Programme participants will:
visit a Work Group member’s department to engage in lesson observation and post-lesson discussion
collaboratively plan of a topic representing a shared interest and need
visit a primary school to engage in lesson observation and post-lesson discussion and/or collaborative planning of a transition-relevant topic
explore some maths together
share, discuss and critique the plans that departments have in place.