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Secondary Mastery Specialists Programme

The closing date for applications is 5pm 29th March 2024.

Following the success of the Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme thus far, Maths Hubs, working in conjunction with the NCETM, are now seeking applications from secondary schools that wish to nominate ‘lead teachers’ to take part in an important three-year professional development programme leading to the designation of Secondary Mastery Specialist. Applications are now open for cohort 9!


Schools nominating teachers for this role would be committed to the development of teaching for mastery in the lead teacher’s classroom, across their mathematics department and, later on, to facilitate and support the development of teaching for mastery in a small number of other interested secondary schools within their Maths Hub area.

What is involved?

  • Year One: you participate in several professional development events and focus on developing your own classroom teaching.

  • Year Two: your focus is on developing teaching for mastery approaches within your own department and honing your skills in leading professional development

  • Year Three and beyond: you support key teachers in other local schools to develop a teaching for mastery approach within their own departments.


All the time, you keep in touch with other specialists across the country in online groups. You can share experiences and continue developmental conversations.


The benefits for schools that apply to be part of the programme include:

 • the department developing a curriculum informed by a clear set of principles, policies, practices and systems which support a teaching for mastery approach, as set out in the 2021 DfE Key Stage 3 non-statutory guidance


• the teachers in the department (including the Specialist) developing a deep understanding of the principles and pedagogies underpinning teaching for mastery, and acquiring enhanced maths subject knowledge with a particular emphasis on progression within key areas of maths


• the growth of teachers’ collaborative work, through which planning, teaching and assessment practices are developed


• the Specialist developing their own understanding and practice in supporting collaborative professional development within and beyond school


• the department making effective use of materials and resources, including textbooks, to support the design of well-crafted lessons

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