Secondary Open Classroom
Open classroom events!
Showcasing elements of Teaching for Mastery in a Secondary setting.
What does it involve?
A professional reflection of the Teaching for Mastery strategy in a classroom context
Examination of the planning & design of the lesson
Observation of live classroom & learner interaction with planned activities
Collaborative reflective discussion of the lessons’ impact on learning
Sheffield open classroom : Notre Dame High School S10 3BT March 18th POSTPONED
further details of rearrangements to follow.
Rotherham open classroom: Clifton Community School 22nd April 8:00 - 11:30
POSTPONED further details of rearrangements to follow.
Doncaster open classroom: Sir Thomas Wharton Doncaster 17th June 10:00 - 13:00
Barnsley: TBC
To book onto one or more of the sessions email Tara at
For further information contact Vicci Marshall; Secondary Mastery Lead at
Free to attend!

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